Supply Chain | Transparency & Compliance | Hess Corporation
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Supply Chain


Our suppliers and contractors are critical to our success and play a significant role in Hess’ day-to-day business operations, collaborating with us to promote efficient operations, maintain high standards of environment, health and safety (EHS) performance, mitigate risks and create shared value. In 2021, we purchased approximately $2.1 billion in commercial goods and services from approximately 3,000 suppliers, whose workhours constituted approximately 65% of our total workforce hours.

Supply chain and contractor management is one of our key sustainability issues. We view our suppliers and contractors as important partners in advancing our sustainability efforts, and these partnerships will play an important role in helping us achieve many of the key actions outlined in our updated EHS and social responsibility (SR) strategy.

For a detailed description of our management approach, supplier qualifications, supplier transparency and compliance, supplier diversity and local content, please refer to our 2021 Sustainability Report. Security Services, described below, provides additional content not in our 2021 Sustainability Report.

Security Services

Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics prohibits the use of local military or law enforcement personnel for activities in furtherance of our operations except where required by local authorities or in emergency situations. If the use of local military or law enforcement personnel is unavoidable at one of our assets, asset managers are required to seek prior approval from Hess’ Legal and Global Security functions.

When operating in locations where security services are deemed necessary, we contract for these services locally with support from our Global Security and Global Supply Chain functions. Contracts with security service providers include clauses covering security and human rights expectations. These clauses detail our requirements that security providers adhere to applicable international law enforcement principles, humanitarian law and human rights law. They also require our security service providers to communicate our human rights, SR and ethical expectations to their employees and subcontractors, as well as demonstrate compliance. The aim of these clauses is to deliver a consistent message of performance expectations for security service providers across Hess operations.

If a security incident with human rights implications was to occur, a report would be made to the head of Global Security. Reports are also issued for those occurrences, such as community protests, that highlight potential future risk to our operations. We are not aware of any Hess related incidents where public or private security forces engaged community members in 2021, and no incident reports of this nature were filed. Global Security continues to utilize Hess’ incident management system for the reporting of security incidents.